Friday, October 17, 2008

A Trauma of Redcoats

The British are coming! The British are coming! And boy do they look tacky!

For the past three weeks I've been on the hunt for British Redcoat costumes. Apparently they are not a readily found item... most of what I've found has looked like this;

and this;

which would be ok for Halloween (maybe) but we're really trying to make it look like this;

I've had several restless nights dreaming about redcoats. Either not being able to find them (a realistic variety of dream), being carried away by a tacky polyester clad British army (a slightly rediculous variety) and being buried in them (um... an obvious viariety)... until finally I found a store on ebay that sells these;

Normally these take a 3 week turn around but after several emails and finally a "I trust you just call me" phone conversation with a very nice and well educated vendor I've managed to get us four Revolutionary War costumes that will be beautiful and fit our actors. Hallelujah! Pass the ammunitions! Here's my $1300 and I am doing a Happy Happy dance around the living room.

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