Wednesday, October 27, 2010

6:27pm Shop update

First blood of the day... for some reason the center back neck is an inch too high. After adding a little padding to the shoulders the bubbles in the back seem to be solved... not sure about the front though. The coat seems to splay out at the hip level. Still scared about the size... can't do much about that until after we fit this puppy though. Looking at this post I see that my hands/nails desperately need some TLC... another day.

5:38pm shop update

main bodyof jacket is together... fearful of how small it seems to be I let the seam allowance out. Also I realize that either I've been calling the actor "Ben" while his real name is "John" OR I have the wrong measurement sheet here.

Lacking editing on my netbook I leave you to turn your head...

3:55pm Shop update

This chaos will be a jacket... it will. Pieces are cut. Hair canvas is almost all in place. Center front hem facing has gone AWOL. Tune in as this mess becomes art...