Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Some shop!

I must take a moment to pat myself on the back... my shop is getting to be so organized! This week I finished measuring and tagging all of the blazers...

and the suits...

I separated and labeled the sweaters, the pants, the knit tops...

I made sure the shoes were all on the correct shelves (A Sisyphean task at best)...

Why is all of this super anal work important you ask? Mostly because when you're pulling for a show time is not on your side. If a designer needs to dig through 50 pairs of black pants to see if she can find one pair that will fit an actor, it is actually more time efficient to go to the store and buy a pair that say "38x32" on the tag... then the next designer has 51 pairs of black pants to ignore because none of them are labeled. Pretty soon you have essentially a stock that is a big laundry heap where nothing is useful because nothing can be found. A disorganized stock is about as useful as no stock at all. Thus; I'm pretty pleased with my efforts.

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