Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Me and my wooden friend; together again.

While studying Costume design in school I was flummoxed by how many designers are terrible at rendering (that's designer speak for drawing and painting your ideas in a semi-technical manner).   Now I understand.  Honestly it is something that isn't necessary all the time.  Last night I sat down with my watercolors and my little wooden model and painted the first full color rendering I've done all year. Often directors are intimidated by completed drawings, as though the ideas were in stone. Often it just takes too long to complete a set of drawings for a show. Sometimes clippings from catalogues and research books are plenty of information. Usually the only reason to actually sit down with your pen and ink is because you are fortunate enough to have a shop building your show. Mostly this is not the case and it is just lil' ol' you (and maybe an assistant) doing the show by rubbing two pennies together hoping they will make a nickel. This rendering was done to help my collaborators visualize what I've been telling them I'm planning. Sometimes it's hard to have somebody show you three pictures and tell you "we're using this jacket, this hat and these pants, only this will be tailored in and this will be painted like this..." in this case it was easier to sit down and draw... like a real artist! I wish I had more drawing and less shopping in my work(sigh). Forgive my reluctance to post my work online. I am happy with the drawing, but it is my professional work and I don't need to give it to the world for free.

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